Since our last post was such a hit, here’s a peak at the man who was usually behind the camera.
Swimming is a WELL loved pastime for our family, whether that be at the cottage, camping or in our pool.
The face that was usually behind the camera, Papa Baker (pictured right), is posing with his love, Nana Baker (pictured left). They’re looking “dapper” in their “swimming costumes.”
After returning from WWII, Papa Baker loved swimming and anything that involved being on or being by the water. Through the YMCA he swam constantly, and won many medals. Even up into their 80’s, the both of them were still swimming in their retirement home.
When visiting Balm Beach, he would wake up and before doing anything else, would run right into Georgian Bay. First thing in the morning, he would skip coffee and breakfast to put his bathing suit on to go for a dip.
He loved swimming so much and went on so many cruises, and my Nana’s favourite swimming story was when he dove into the pool on the cruise boat and lost his dentures. Apparently, the lady swimming beside him found his teeth and my nana was MORTIFIED And embarrassed. So funny!
When they passed, my parents were left some money. My mom said she knew that Nana & Papa Baker would have wanted us to do something that brought us together, by the water. They are the reason that we have been able to enjoy our pool in our city backyard for the past 20 years.