Nana said, “There was just sand everywhere!” Their little white and red painted cottage was feet from the water and they were surrounded by sand, sand, and more SAND.
This is my Nana & Great Auntie Jean on Georgian Bay. Their family LOVED spending time on Balm Beach more than anything.
No matter the year or time period in history, any child growing up by the water knows the true struggle of having sand on their feet after going to the beach and not being able to get it off because you have to walk through the sand again.
AND any parent or grown up knows the struggle of keeping sand out of their cottage, camper, tent or trailer.
Thankfully, our days of doing laundry look differently than using a washboard and soapy rinsing bowl. HOWEVER, the rules have stood the test of time. NO SAND IN THE COTTAGE. Rinse your feet before you come in.
Happy Sunday Cottagers, Campers & Outdoor Lovers.