A History of Cottagers

R E M E M B E R Wear your poppy. Educate your kids. Thank a veteran. Appreciate what we have. Never forget. A special thank you to my Great Papa Baker. Douglas William Baker - a photographer and film developer with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). After the cities in Germany were bombed, he would fly over them and take pictures of where the bombs hit, and also photographed daily life while away at war. When Holland was liberated he was there, taking many pictures of the finally free people. He also helped free the prisoners of war,...

B E A C H D A Y S Here is a Walker & Baker BALM BEACH day at its finest. My Nana says that my Great-Great-Nana Walker (in the swim cap) was a woman before her time. For starters she got her drivers license without telling anyone. Adding to that, she loved to swim. She swam before it was acceptable for ladies to be swimming. As a member of the Women’s Temperance Union, she went every Wednesday to Willard Hall to get in some swim time - stylish swim cap in tow. Nana needed to add that, “OH MEGAN,...
L A K E friends

Lake friends are the best friends. We’ve been spending every August long with my best friend & second family for the past 20 years.Throwing it back to my pajama wearing Nana (Frances) and her best friend Ellen-Marie in Port Huron.Nana said:“Ellen and I did bad things. They had a dance floor at the park. We’d go dancing every Friday night and one time my friends dared me to dive into the St. Clair River. We’d cross the trestle railway tracks dangerously - it’s a wonder I’m alive today. I don’t know… I’d have to have been NUTS to do that....
the H I G H L A N D S

the H I G H L A N D S There’s nothing like the sound of bagpipes. My Great Papa Johnston used to play them.My mom used to practice her fling, the sword and the Sean Triubhas with her record player and with her Scottish Bagpiping Music as a little girl.Even while camping on Ahmic Lake, she still found the time to practice her dances.“Beware of the sword dance. If you kick your sword, you can’t continue and have to stand there until the song is done.” Photo: Ahmic Lake, 1975

F R O N T - S T E P S (1989) These steps have seen teeth fall out, hosted birthday celebrations, been the cause of some falls, encouraged late night chats and have been spilled on more than a bar floor on a Saturday night. They’ve been a seat to the stargazers, the BBQers & their support staff, the marshmallow roasters, the singers, the breakfast eaters and the corn huskers. For almost 4 decades, we’ve been taking pictures on these cottage steps. (1991) (2021) With our second season just beginning, we are so excited to make you your matching...